OK, Ok Already...so it's Florida and not LA... but the Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale Airport was our first stop on the way to the Music Boat... Everything was pretty smooth except for a little "extra baggage" issue. Most people were PULLING their luggage around the airport...
(I told Judy 10 pair of shoes were a plenty...of course my toolkit added a few pounds also).
Then there was that neat bus ride from the airport to the "FASCINATION"...as I checked my rear view I saw Eddie from Newsong, Britt Nicole and other Music Boaters. But I was still nervous about getting to the boat, finding my way around and meeting the WBFJ guest crew on time. I had carried all the T-shirts and stuff on the plane with me for them and was thinking how disappointed I would be if I missed our reception.
Although our first look at the "FASCINATION" was in the rain, through a window and at a distance I still thought to myself ..."This is going to be fun if we can just get checked in and situated ASAP!)
After we actually hurried onto the boat and did a quick look around our "Stateroom" as they call it , we made a mad dash for the WBFJ Reception in the "Piano Louge".
I thought we knew where we were going until we realized all the decks don't go all the way through...you have to go up, around and back down! After asking a dozen people, I made it just after 4:30! (had to leave Judy behind to find it on her own...I was literally running by then...LOL)
Fortunately the WBFJ CREW made it ok and after I caught my breath, we had a little time of greeting around the "piano" and passing out the WBFJ goodies (yellow , lime green and a light up thingy)...can't tell you any more than that....lol)
It was really neat to have our hometown crew on the boat and see you enjoying the concerts and having fun.
OK...now that my heart has stopped racing...and can actually find my way back to the room...it's time to primp up a little and head for that famous Music Boat dining experience I have heard so much about..."The Hill's...table 145." ...yeah baby, now this is service!
(Judy was way too eager to share with our dinner guests some of my "shortcomings" of the day. "OK, Judy...sweetheart...that'll do for now!")
Good thing Doyle (and Nancy) our dinner mates were concentrating on taking a picture and ordering... they missed most of Judy's account of how many times I had gotten us lost in one day. LOL.
Doyle and Nancy are from the House FM in Oklahoma and are one of the big blessings we received on the Music Boat. It was so neat to have fellowship with them each day during the evening meal. Doyle even shared some of his pics me so I would have a good picture of Toby mac to bring back and put on my blog...ha ha!
After Dinner we just had to settle down a minute and catch our first Music Boat sunset. Each beautiful sunrise and sunset remined all of us on the boat just how beautiful God's creation really is and just how good God is...Beautiful!
After supper and sunset each evening... the indoor and outdoor concerts were just awesome... From Mark Hall and Casting crowns to Leeland, Newsong, Mark Harris, Hawk Nelson, Matthew West, The Afters, Britt Nicole and the whole Music Boat lineup... it all made for non-stop music and fun every night!
(more concert pics coming in later blogs)
You gotta love praising God in the great outdoors in the moonlight!
And did I mention....there was that 24 Hour round-the-clockSoft Serve Ice Cream machine...
I had to push some of our local crew away from there...LOL

OOPS...I found out later that Wesley and Lisa were actually headed for the midnight buffet...sorry , I thought you were heading for the ice cream machine!
Ok...guys...it's about 2 in the morning... time to head back from the "Pizza -Steak room" to the "Stateroom" and get a little sleep before heading out to Key West...and then onto Mexico!

So Good night little music boat towel teddy bear... thanks for the chocolates and a wonderful day...God bless you and the crew!
Stay tuned...
Next stop: Key West!
(you don't want to miss this one...encounter with a real Mermaid!!!! lol)
AND then off to ... M-E-X-I-C-O !
PLUS...lots of concerts pics PLUS...
"Toby Mac Smokes the boat!" and more!