Monday, March 12, 2007

VIRUS Alert: "WORK"... it may be too late!

Ok...while I'm putting together my exciting coverage of Verne's Birthday party... here is a Monday morning thingy to occupy you for a few minutes while I work on the Verne blog... and do my serious WORK for today ...LOL.

There is a new virus going around called WORK. If you receive
any sort of WORK, whether via e-mail, Internet, or simply
handed to you by a colleague, do not open it. Those who have
opened WORK have found that their social life is deleted and
their brain ceases to function properly.

If you do encounter WORK via e-mail or are faced with any
WORK at all, purge the virus by sending an e-mail to your
boss with the words 'This is too much for me, I'm going out for
a soda. This better not be here when I get back.'

Your brain should automatically delete the WORK. If you
receive WORK in paper document form, simply lift the
document and drag the WORK to your trash can.

Send this message to all your friends in your address book. If
you do not have anyone in your address book, then the
WORK virus has already corrupted your life!

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