Saturday afternoon I saw something really neat (but scary) on I40 Near Burlington... I was on my way back home from Cary and as I approached that truck weigh station on the right I saw this small young deer and her ( I mean little-barely big enough to walk) baby brother looking like they were ready to bolt across I40...
I immediately slowed down...my heart sped up... all kinds of things began to go through my mind..."Lord, please don't let them cross...they'll never make it...there's no way they'll be able to clear 6 lanes of roaring I40 traffic and a barracade in the median... and with all this traffic there will be a major pile up...many could be hurt or killed".
As I passed, I could see that the little deer seem to be frozen in their tracks and as far as I know they figured they were too far from mama and turned around and went back into the woods...
Though they were just animals and not people, I still couldn't help feeling so sorry for them.(and really glad they didn't cause any accidents).
They looked so lost and confused...
I thought to myself... we are so much like those young deer. We sometimes get too far from "home" and wander too far into the "highway"...
Reality hits...we are stunned, lonely, and confused...we are so lost. In the twink of an eye find ourselves at the edge of the roaring 6 lane with stuff coming at us from all directions.
That's when it's time to come "home"...the prodical son did that...and the father met him on the road with open arms...
Heaven will be filled with broken and confused prodigals, reclaimed from the "highway"...
God is good all the time!
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