Sunday morning... (I'll explain the picture later!)...Threw my clothes on and rushed to church. In the parking lot turned my cell phone down (it's really loud!)...
About 10 minutes into Will's sermon I heard this loud ringing in my pocket. Stunned, I grabbed my pocket and totally embarassed found my way behind the curtained off area that helps convert the gym into a "church".
Whispering I answered and it was Wally on the other end..."we got problems with our remote connection at the mall for the Kyle Petty/Bryan Littrell event coming up (at Hanes Mall.)...can you come help?".
STUCK BEHIND CURTAIN and i ain't coming out anytime soon!
I answered "yes" but there was one little problem. The exit door behind the curtain is locked...I don't have my glasses, my flashlight or any of the other stuff I carry. And I'm NOT going back into that auditorium after having my phone rudely interupting the service.
So I just sat behind the curtain for about 25 minutes waiting for the closing prayer. I quietely bowed my head and slipped back beside my wife, Judy before the AMEN. I gave her the word and we left in a hurry. (If you happen to be in that service you must have thought I had a death in the family!)
NOBODY DIED but my heart did flutter a little...
No, this wasn't life or death but we really did need to get on the air from Hanes Mall by noon so people coming out of church could hear what was ahead for the big event at the Mall that the station was a big part of.
So all went well and I was able to join the Bryan Littrell concert and all the events at the Mall...Even got to ride on Webbie's HONDA, Lovely wife, Grandma Judy at the wheel.
Had picture made with Bryan..went shopping at the dollar store...and all lived happily ever after. (End of Story...comments welcome)
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