As a special service to our viewers... Papa John's Place gives you special coverage of the President's State of the Union Messsage and the Democratic response. The papajohn approach is non-partisan and light on content... the focus will be on flow, expression and reaction... I'll leave the heavy commentary to Cambell Brown, Tim Russert et. al....

Everything got off to a good start and everyone was wide awake and excited....
especially during the warm-up exercise...

I thought it was neat how the President had everyone to turn their heads "left" and then quickly turn their heads "right"... some had trouble keeping up but it was a nice touch.

Another neat thing was the honoring of the late Johnny Cash with a special section reserved for the "Men in Black"...

The Vice-President led the way with the first "nod"...

The senator from Arizona was next... (someone aptly defined meditation as man's way of chewing of the cud"... maybe explains the senators tongue-in-cheek look)

Senator Obama and Senator Kennedy apparently got hit with the bug and slid off...

Unfortunately ... everybody on the platform took a little nod at the same time... it's ok..no one snored or did anything like that...
THE REACTION: the men... obviously mixed....

The LADIES Reaction... not necessarily happy campers...

The Democratic Response...
After this commercial about something...
The Official Democratic Response was given by Senator Webb of Virginia...
All in all a good night in America...
If I were giving the State of the Union ADDRESS I would be tempted to say..."The whole world is in a mess right now BUT with God's help and nationwide repentence we'll triumph! God Bless America as SHE Blesses Him!"
And that's all I got to say about that...pj
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