Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I ran out of time before finishing my comment on the movie. Before I actually sat down and watched the whole thing I thought I already knew what the movie was all about.


I thought it was a fluffy, "Pollyannish", romantic yarn (yawn) about a tragic but perfect little romance during the Civil War Era. Man, was I wrong!

Dr. Chapman...Dr. Smalley....Help!...

Nelly and Ashley were a touch like that and the drama got a little thick at times but Scarlett and Rhett's relationship was a mess. Their relationship needed some serious help. Too bad "The Five Love Languages" and other great books weren't available then.


Being from the South, I couldn't help but feel the hurt and emotion of Sherman's 60 mile wide path of fire and complete devastation. I don't think it would have been bearable living in those times and faith in Christ would have been my only way of coping. I'm sure it was that way for many who survived it all.

Feel free to share your comments. I know it may be old hat to you but it's new to me and I bet I'm not the only one...LOL

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

i love u john..hugs