Steph...(in brown)
our Angel
farewell party
at Bonnies (in blue).

So, if you
came by the station
at noon today...
that's the reason
the place
was almost
a ghost town.

our volunteer coordinator,
outdid herself
with a big feast
with all the trimmings.
Thanks to Bonnie's Ron
for using his lunch hour
to do the barbeque.
You know, it was Steph's "going away to college party" but she gave US the gift! She made this neat blanket with staff picture and station logo sewn on it. Like all good work places we have hot spots and cold spots so the "WBFJ Blankie" is for the cool spots.

BOO HOO 2 tha' MAX
I'll especially miss Steph...(sorry I didn't even get in the pics lol ) she did everything behind the scenes for me...keeping up with the WBFJ Love Handles Entries, answering the phone and door, and a thousand other things. She has a real heart for God and I know the best for her is till yet to come... and as Steph always says..."God is good all the time!"...you go girl!
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