Thankful for God's unconditional love...
and all HIS promises... they are fresh and
new every morning...
For my wife Judy and all our family and their conditional love...
The Father had a great idea when HE put
us in families. Grandchildren high on the list...lol.
For all my friends...like my buddy Josh here...signing to "Amazing Love"
and his family and hundreds of others who have shown so much love...
For all those C-R-A-Z-Y people in my wbfj family, past and present that are so loving and willing to give of themselves to others...
AND for You...whichever group you fall into... LOL.

As you sit down to your Thanksgiving spread, I hope you too will stop and realize just how blessed you are.
(Thanks to Judy and Karen for letting me use their pic of their "Daughter of the King" spread from a recent church Hospitality Meal).

It's been a busy month and it's good just to lay the mike down and then lay the body down for a little r and r. I hope you get your share of horizontal time in your Lazyboy... Happy Thanksgiving!
(PS...while you're here...check out the blogs... and come back soon!)
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