This past weekend marked
the beginning of MEMA's birthday week
so Judy and I
scurried down early Saturday
to help her celebrate.

MEMA bought herself a new car
for her birthday... she actually
got it a few weeks ago...
you can do that
when you buy your own presents!

That thing has duelies!
...CHROMED to the max!
MEMA was already "Rocking"...
now she "Rolling!"
Nice "ride" MEMA!

Anyway... back to the story...
MEMA wanted us
to go with her
to the Methodist church...
They were having a big Barbeque Supper (Eastern NC style) with Brunswick Stew, Boiled Potatoes, and all the fixin's. Then they were going to have an auction to pay off the building debt.

We wanted to see
how much MEMA's vases
earned for the church
so we stayed for
the whole thing...
About half way through
the auction
I noticed
MEMA was starting
to scratch
her arm a little.

I didn't think much about that until Judy said her head was itching like crazy. I had to discreetly scratch her head for her because she was scared she might accidently bid on something she didn't want. if you've been to an auction you know how it is.

Next morning I went outside to pet "Big Red"...
(MEMA's dog she took in for company.)
Red was scratching like crazy!
AND THEN... it dawned on me...
"IT" has come EAST...

While MEMA was scolding "Red" for staying out too late and sending him to bed early I decided to sneak a peak into his crib.


I can't figure
all this out but
somehow I know
it's linked
to Darren's
Buy "IT" now thing
on ebay
Somebody better come clean on this one... The bloggosphere has about had enough of "IT"
(BLOGGER NOTE: Back down a few blogs to find out how "IT" all began in Boiling Springs, NC.)
(BLOGGER Preview: Blogs Coming Soon...
Just in time for Christmas..."MEMA's Tickle-me-Elvis Doll" and other friends...
my exclusive interview with "Tile Lady" and my adventure on AMTRACK...
PLUS pictures of the wbfj studio makeover... stay tuned!)
1 comment:
Love Mema's new ride!
I also love Big Red!
My dogs aren't so computer saavy!
I'm feeling a bit itchy again myself! Ahhhhh!
:) Jenn
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