Sunday, October 08, 2006

Faired Well... MATE... jolly good ! Day 10...

These last 15 days (includes 5 days of set-up) have really flown by... I really think this has been the grEATest Dixie Classic fair ever. Up until the rain and wind blew in, crowds were grEAT and happy faces were everywhere...EATING. I think we were all blessed by each others company.

Even after the wEATher went down hill a little, the fun in the WBFJ Plinko Gazebo never lET up.

Wednesday was the biggest ever...LOTS of grEAT interviews, tons of good FOOD...uh I mean...interviews, LOTS of PLINKO Players and a packed SANDWICH...uh...I mean packed house for the Jars of Clay concert...if you came lATE, you did well to find a sEAT!

AND did I mention there was LOTS of that grEAT fair FOOD...I think I ate I ate I ate I ATE 6 pork chop sandwiches from Cornerstone Christian's booth over the 10 that a Guiness record or am I just a plain ole pig...

Judy thinks I have FOOD on the brain during fair week... I don't think I'm that bad...but I have to admit there was lots of fun and LOTS to EAT!!!

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