Bev's last day
and final request...
lunch at the Olive Garden.
BEV and Jerry...
we'll miss you
but we still believe
the best is yet
to come...

If you were walking into Olive Garden Friday at lunch and looked through the window you probably thought we were having aftershocks from the quake last week... we were laughing so hard the chandiier was swinging and the table...

Well...the table... was tilting to the left into Verne's lap. Till this day I can't figure that one out unless it's that HILL BLESSING that Verne posseses... everything comes his way. RECKON?

Jerry thanks for sharing Bev with us and thanks for your insight...you are so cool. BUT JERRY... you can be upfront with the napkins...the Garden doesn't mind if you get out with a couple of extras.
Bless you two!
Well, you know, with Bev not working now things may get a little tight. He had silverware in the other pocket!
That pic of Jerry's pocket just cracked me up! I LOLd and everything! The funny thing is that if you'd taken a pic of my purse you would have found pats of butter inside. They brought me butter and I didn't use it all and didn't want it to go to waste so I figured I'd bring it home. Alas, I forgot about it until the next day when I was looking in my purse for ??? and found the (then mushy) butter. :(
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